Boomkicker® Boom Supports
The Alternative to Mechanical or Rigid Vangs
View Shopping Cart Patent Numbers 5,070,802; 6,062,155
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It's helpful when adding any kind of boom support device, whether a mechanical vang or Boomkicker, to check the gooseneck to see if it allows the boom to roll about its' central axis. The back and forth rolling of the boom causes added stress to the boom fitting and fasteners of the boom support. We recommend that booms be fixed in the upright position. That type of gooseneck design was primarily used on older boats before the 1990s and the bigger the boat the bigger the stresses. Boats in the 20 foot range are often fine as is, but it depends on the gooseneck and boom design.

Customers often solve it themselves or find a rigger. Solutions are mixed depending on the design. Alternatives might include drilling through the boom and swivel pin, then pinning it in place. Installing set screws on each side of the swivel pin to lock it. Sometimes the end casting can be removed and a nut on the end of the swivel pin tightened to hold it in place. Others have been able to weld it, or install a strap through the gooseneck to lock it. A few have been able to replace the gooseneck with a newer design.

We offer a fitting that mounts on the mast below the gooseneck with straps that reach up and fasten to both sides of the boom. It allows movement of the boom but restricts rolling. It's not the best looking solution, but it's a relatively simple add-on compared to a modification. It comes with a slide for the luff groove, same as the Boomkicker, to hopefully avoid drilling the mast. Sometimes existing screws in the gooseneck can be used for the straps, otherwise new screw holes will need to be drilled. Below are a drawing and photos of the fitting.